If you were faced with this, would you run alone?

If you were faced with this, would you run alone?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Japan vs Haiti

After the earthquakes and tsunami's, there was a distinguishable difference between Haiti and Japan. It is how the people respond afterwards. "Hardly anyone was incredulous of looting in Haiti," describes a Haitian man. Haiti is known for having "suffered decades of conflict, poor governance and crippling poverty." Japan on the other hand, is known for being a "country run on the honor system." They leave their food stands unattended, with a box for the money. It is a high dishonor to their entire family if any member does anything to attract negative attention. This has Japan handling disasters much healthier, because they don't have to worry about much vandalism and stealing. An honor system to Haiti is a foreign concept, and it leads to an overload of stealing, vandalism, and national disruption. Mutual respect for one another as a country leads to a much better outcome.

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